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26 August 2012

It’s Your Turn

Who loves impromptu speeches? Perhaps, there are about a few. Some people tremble whenever they are asked to deliver a short message in front of a listening audience. Why are we (sometimes) scared of being “on the spot”?

In life, we missed several opportunities because they seemed to be a surprise to us. Why some great things easily slipped from our hands just because we were not able to recognize them?

Here are some tips to overcome the impromptus in life:

Preparation is the key.
Don't be caught unaware. If you dream to become a business tycoon someday, don't just count your money. Prepare for the down times too. Arm yourself with patience, integrity and wisdom. For students, take time to study your lessons in advance. By the time of surprise examination, Google won't be available to help you. You can only pick what's already in your brain. In any competition, you'll have your turn.

Expect more.
I have friends who expect great things to happen in their life. They are always excited. Fun to be with. Hanging out with them makes me feel light and happy. Being expectant prepares you emotionally to handle greater things. On the other hand, it's not wrong to think the opposite. You don't have any control over what's yet to come. Thinking for the worse will lead you to the right decision. Remember, you'll be in the center stage soon.

Be guided by a purpose.
The first and the last thing we will consider in life is the single, important and intangible word- PURPOSE. When you are called to speak in front of multitudes for 60 seconds, you can always count on your purpose why you live on earth. Then, values comes next. When you are given a chance to manage a multi-million peso business or become the awards night champion, always think of the purpose why you are in the spotlight.

Surprises excuse no one. It happens to us, not just once. The next time you'd encounter an impromptu in life, you know what to do. Now, it's your turn. Happy success!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the look and updates of your blog. It's differentiated and it can speak to anyone. Go Kuya Marvin!
