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05 October 2012

Why Do We (Still) Have Teachers

The technology has a great impact in the education system today. Everything is in the internet. The answers are available anytime. Simply, they are just a click away. Basically, we can learn by just intelligently surfing the internet.

But, what if? What if tomorrow the teachers are gone? I couldn't imagine the world without them. I believe, amidst the advent of rising technology, teachers still exist today because of these purposes:

1. Students need a friend.

We don't need a machine to supply us what we need to know. We need someone who cares. Someone who is passionate in imparting life's lessons to the learners.

2. Students need a coach.
We need motivation. We need strategies. If not, a basketball game would be different when players play by themselves. We need someone to tap our back and say, "Hey, do good next exam. Power up your review. I know you can make it on top." That's what Google can't do.

3. Students need to learn disciplines.
Entertainment is good. It's fun. Yet, teachers show us how to be more disciplined in life. They know when we spent most of time our time in playing, we're not getting anywhere. Learning is still fun. :)

Teachers taught us how to dream and how to build that dream. Then, they deployed us to the professional world. They TRUSTED us that WE CAN achieve our dreams.

They are like our parents. They rejoice with us in our victories, achievements and successes.

Today is Teachers' Day. Let thank our HEROES who spent almost half of their (daily) lives caring for us.

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