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14 November 2011

The Rule of the Ear

Listen to what? People are too noisy (and too busy talking!). Many wanted to speak out how they feel about the government, their education, their children, the economy, the culture, religion, work and so much more. Social sites dish out millions of opinions, views and thoughts from anyone who knows how to LIKE!, comment and post on walls! It happens everyday.

If we will fail to listen...that only means we will also fail to understand. Think of this for a while.

I know a lot of good people who love to speak and very few who wants to listen. I figured out, a wise man listens more than he speak. So true. The very first thing I learned from my professional english school AIEP - from my friend and mentor Chris Delacruz ( was listening. As I stepped on the platform, I thought I would be taught how to speak well. To my surprise, I learned that I need to develop my listening skills in order to communicate effectively.

Yes, we must listen from within us but it's essential to invite others to speak too. The moment we encourage others to converse their honest opinions, that's the only time we learn. Remember, it's not always about us. Take time to do others a favor by just listening.

Managers, listen to your people. Subordinates, listen to your superiors. Driving public, respect the rules of the road. It may not be a direct listening activity but I guess traffic enforcers don't need to shout on you to stop when traffic light turns red. Children, obey your parents. Followers, listen to your leaders. And, leaders must listen to your followers too!

In this rule, no one is exempted. Not even the president of any republic. Think why some countries are suffering from riots and disestablishment movements- simply because no one cares (or dares) to listen.

Listening plays a vital role in any relationship. Again, if we fail to listen, we fail to understand. We become more concern about ourselves and that will detach others from our life circle.

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